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    Surfskating can improve your surfing technique

    Practice your bottom turns, top turns, cut backs and speed generation repeatedly. No wave is necessary to train your muscle memory for your next surf.

    How does this sound? It is possible with surfskating.

    Try it now and rent a premium Surfskate from us. We offer the best Surf Simulator from Swelltech and YOW in Klitmøller, Ørhagevej 20a – Just knock on our window, if the Surf-Garage sign is hanging.

    Surfskate Rental


    Get free advice to pick
    the right board for your
    Size and Skill level.

    24 hours

    100 DKK

    Rental of a premium Surfskate from YOW, Swelltech or Slide for 24 hours.

    72 hours

    200 DKK

    Rental of a premium Surfskate from YOW, Swelltech or Slide for 72 hours.

    1 Week

    400 DKK

    Rental of a premium Surfskate from YOW, Swelltech or Slide for 1 week.

    You want to rent now?

    Just knock on our window at Ørhagevej 20a in Klitmøller (if the Surf-Garage sign is hanging)

    or send me a text to +45 31 88 80 79

    Check Map where it is

    You want to make a reservation for the future?